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Frequently Asked Questions

What additional information can I send that is valuable to emergency responders?

Unlike legacy E911 solutions, NG911 solutions are based on current networking standards. This provides a central, enterprise based Functional Element (FE) commonly referred to as an Additional Data Repository (ADR) to exist within the enterprise network. The ADR FE collects, correlates and provides relevant additional data to any authorized party. This data could be camera feeds and floor plans with door lock controls managed remotely, or links to interactive IoT enabled devices to provide more clarity and operational control to internal and external responders.

What are MLTS (multi-line telephone systems)?

Hotels, offices, and campuses typically use MLTS for communications.

Under RAY BAUM’S Act, MLTS encompasses all networked communications systems used by businesses, including IP- and cloud-based systems. It also includes an outbound-only MLTS that enables users to place 911 calls but does not allow public safety answering points to contact them back directly.

What are MLTS installers, managers, and operators required to do?

Under RAY BAUM’S Act, installers have different requirements than managers and operators.

MLTS installers must configure the system so that it can be programmed to convey 911 callers’ location information to PSAPs.

Managers and operators must set up the MLTS so that location information is conveyed to PSAPs.

What is a dispatchable location?

RAY BAUM’S Act dispatchable location is the validated street address of a 911 caller. It also includes additional information such as a suite number, apartment number, or similar details needed to locate the caller.

Automated dispatchable locations are those generated without caller action.

What are the dispatchable location requirements for MLTS?

There are different requirements based on the type of MLTS telephone or device used to make the 911 call.

Any on-premises fixed devices associated with an MLTS must provide automated dispatchable locations. This would include a wired desk phone.

Any on-premises, non-fixed devices associated with an MTLS must provide automated dispatchable locations when possible. Otherwise, they must convey dispatchable locations manually provided by callers or alternative location information. This may be coordinate-based and must be sufficient to identify callers’ in-building locations.

The requirements for off-premises, non-fixed devices are the same as those for on-premises devices. The only difference is that off-premises devices must provide enhanced location information rather than alternative location information. This may be coordinate-based and must consist of the best available location obtained from available technology, or even a combination of technologies.

What is the difference between fixed and non-fixed MLTS devices?

Fixed MLTS devices, such as wired office phones, are attached to a wall jack and need to be unplugged and reconnected whenever they are moved.

A non-fixed MLTS device, whether mobile or nomadic, is one that end users can move between locations on their own.

What is the difference between on-premises and off-premises MLTS devices?

On-premises MLTS devices are managed by an organization, such as in an office building or campus, and located on its premises.

Off-premises MLTS devices are those used away from an organization’s premises, such as MLTS devices used at home by remote workers.

Under what circumstances does providing a 911 caller’s “dispatchable location” require information beyond the caller’s validated street address?

RAY BAUM’S Act dispatchable location depends on the environment where the 911 call originated and the information required to adequately pinpoint the caller’s location.

When placing MLTS calls from multi-story buildings or campus environments, a caller’s dispatchable location will require specific floor and room information as well as the street address.

How is RAY BAUM’S Act related to Kari’s Law?

Kari’s Law and RAY BAUM’S Act both deal with E911 regulations and MLTS.

Kari’s Law took effect on February 16, 2020. It allows direct 911 dialing without using a prefix or digit, such as 8 or 9. The law also requires that designated personnel, like security staff or front desk staff, receive an emergency alert notification when a 911 call is made, and requires the termination of 911 calls to the designated 911.

RAY BAUM’S Act pertains to the quality of information sent to public safety operators.

Both statutes make it more efficient for callers to reach 911 and for emergency services to locate them.

What happens if I don’t comply with RAY BAUM’S Act?

Businesses and organizations not in RAY BAUM’S Act compliance are putting their employees, customers, and visitors at risk. They could also be subject to thousands of dollars in fines and penalties, and wrongful death lawsuits.

What is the difference between E911 and NG911?

E911 stands for Enhanced 911. It is an emergency response system, part of the traditional 911 legacy infrastructure, used nationwide to provide dispatchers with 911 callers’ locations.

Next Generation 911, or NG911, is a digital, internet protocol-based emergency system that is replacing the current 911 infrastructure. While E911 tracks emergency caller location and mobility, NG911 provides dispatchers and first responders with more accurate caller location data in real-time.